Healthy Black Men, Heal Communities

Rise Strong and Heal: Healing the Mind, Body and Soul of Black Men

B.R.A.V.E Through:

Our monthly community group immersion, tackles the current and pressing needs of Black men today. Each session aims to address topics that plague men day-to-day through intentional attention to their needs and practical application.

Masks Off:

Our Black men’s self-care and healing retreat offer Black men an opportunity they are not often afforded; rest and care for themselves. This 3-day retreat focuses on intensive care for self with hands one application of skills for mental and physical wellness.

Be Free:

Black men heal when they are connected to their heritage. Black men thrive in relationship with others; engraining a healthier connection to self. To aid in that wellness application, we will spend 10 intentional days reconnecting with heritage, culture and wellness in West Africa.

Breaking Invisible Chains: Podcast

Exciting news! We're launching a new talk series this July called "Wellness Wednesdays: Breaking Invisible Chains.” We focus on connecting mental wellness and faith by tackling common mental health challenges with biblical insights, helpful resources, and community backing. Premiering in July for Black Mental Health Awareness month, "Wellness Wednesdays: Breaking Invisible Chains" aims to help bridge the gap between faith and mental health.

My Power: Creating Your Conscious Playlist of Healing

My Power is a thought-provoking workshop series designed to deeply explore the complexities of our feelings and how they drive us. This full-day conference is dedicated to confronting the reality of how we are impacted by emotions. The workshop offering valuable insights and practical skills to navigate and heal from the effects of trauma through music.